If done right, you can boost traffic to your site with the help of Facebook time and time again. Facebook is the largest social networking sites on the planet and has even outgrown Google’s traffic numbers.
Below are some ideas to help you boost your traffic with FB:
Facebook Ads
Facebook PPC ads are a cost-effective way to market your business. Bear in mind that the TOS are pretty strict and not every type of business is allowed to advertise. Work from home and MLM schemes will find it tough to get approved as there is so much rubbish among them.Facebook Pages
If you run any business, regardless whether it offline or online based you should have a Facebook Page. You can design them at no cost to you. Once your Page is designed and launched you need to find fans. You can do so by inviting your existing Facebook contacts to take a closer look.You can also network on similar niche forums on the site to grow your circle of influence over time. As more people take notice of you, they will join your fan club.
Facebook Groups
Joining Facebook groups is as easy as doing a keyword search for a related niche. If you are “peddling” electrical contracting you can join groups with like-minded people to extend your reach. By helping others for free you are likely to gain a steady following of people over time, people who will become your avid readers and eventually your clients.Install Tracking
When you promote your message on Facebook make sure you use some kind of tracking stats to determine what works and what doesn’t. The easiest way to do this is by signing up for a free bit.ly account. You can use specialized URLs and track how many clicks you get, where the traffic came from and much more. Unless you know what works you will be wasting your time.Network with Top Marketers in Your Niche
If it is possible to network with top marketers in your niche, do it. You need to understand that you can’t simply send them messages saying “hello,” “great to meet you,” and stuff like that. For you to be noticed by a top maggot you need to offer something; your time, your energy, your support, free work, etc. These guys are busy and they simply won’t respond to every Tom, Dick and Harry who happens to seek their friendship.Design a Killer Profile
Unless your profile stands out among the competition you will only ever be another number in the crowd. The best way to stand out is to make your profile page in-your-face. Be outspoken, be hilarious, be grumpy, be different. Whatever it takes to achieve this. Today, it is getting harder and harder to be a unique entity because of the sheer number of people who market online.Having said this, it isn’t impossible. You can put on your creative hat and start thinking about ways to attract people’s attention without being nasty, aggressive or abusive to them.
Have fun!
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