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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Guest Blog: How to get more guest posts on your blog

One of the major problems that we face while working on our blogs is the lack of content on regular basis. And we can fix that problem by getting lots of guest posts on our blogs. You will not be able to get much bloggers attention especially if you have a new or low traffic blog. Your chances of getting guests posts on regular interval are huge if you have a blog with good Pagerank, Alexa Ranking, RSS Subscribers and traffic. But what would you do to get more bloggers coming and writing their great guest posts on your blog. In today’s guest post, I’m sharing some techniques that you can employ to get more content coming on your blog in the form of guest posts.

Create Submit Post Section

First and most important step that you can take in this direction is create a section or post on your blog informing bloggers about the guest post opportunities on your blog and the kind of benefit bloggers will enjoy while doing guest blogging on your blog. And don’t forget to show that post or page on the prominent position on your blog, may be in your header menu. And when you see some guest posts coming on your blog, don’t forget to include Submit Post section on those guest posts to get more guest posts coming on your blog the way I included it in my guest posts coming on my blog.

Contact Bloggers

Create a list of bloggers in your niche and invite them for guest blogging on your blog. When you send guest post invitation to 20-30 bloggers in your niche, you will surely be get some bloggers who will show interest in writing guest posts on your blog. One more thing you can do is visit some popular blogs in your niche that receives lots of guest posts. Now contact the bloggers who are doing guest blogging on those blogs explaining I saw your guest post on xyz blog and would like to invite you for guest posts on my blog.

Blogs that Accept Guest Posts

Create a list of blogs that accept guest posts and don’t forget to mention your blog in that list. One more thing you can do is consult the bloggers who have created the list of blogs that accept guest posts and request them to include your blog in that list. And don’t forget to include your blog in the comments section mentioning you also allow guest blogging on your blog.

Run Contests

Why don’t you run a contest on your blog around guest blogging? Give away attractive prizes to the contest winners who do most number of guest posts on your blog in a defined period of time. But to be very successful with blog contest, you need to market it properly in blogosphere to make it a success. In the next few days, I will be writing a guest post on my blog how to hold a successful contest on your blog,
Do you know any other way that can help bloggers to get more guest posts on their blogs, please share in the comments section below?

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