1. Avoid unintelligible short forms
It is sometimes difficult to stick to express everything in just 140 characters. So, you may end up using SMS style, extensive use of which will obfuscate your tweet. Make sure your tweets do not need extra effort to understand.2. Avoid Upper-casing words
. One of the most important etiquette is in the usage of uppercase. It is never used to emphasize your point in a good way. It is akin to yelling. So, do not use uppercase under normal circumstances. What you perceive as emphasis of point may be perceived by your followers as “putting your foot down”.3. Provide notes for short URLs
With the growth of twitter, a host of services became popular in tandem. The most significant of them is URL shortening services. With just 140 characters on hand you cannot afford to waste half the space for typing the URL. But, gone are the days when you can identify the site with its URL name. URLs of the form http://ih.gj/34p do not even remotely give the impression of a URL, let alone a proper word. So, when you tweet, make sure you give a small note of what the URL is about. Just a single word is sometimes sufficient.4. Avoid tweeting mundane activities
Twitter is not a medium of live commentary on your daily trivial chores like drinking water, going to bathroom etc. Make sure that your personal tweets have some meaning. Twitter is a medium of personal expression, but it is not a sticky note with a to-do list. Tweets with mass appeal will draw encouraging responses and increase your followers.5. Leverage the medium
A general trend that is observed is, following someone out of politeness. This is not a helpful practice. Make sure you follow only trusted people, the ones who have useful things to say. You do not want your page to be flooded with tweets that you will not even read.Twitter is a great medium of concise expression. Tapping it the right way will open a whole new vista of social network.
2. Tweet
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