Below are only the things that produced visitors to my site in the last 48 hours. Nothing theoretical whatsoever.
1) Search Engines
Yesterday was my biggest day yet with this new site platform and the performance is unlike anything I have ever experienced before.
I had more search engine traffic from more phrases in one 48 hour period than ever.
From very nice short tail keywords like “video syndication” to fat long tail phrases like “how to get more friends on myspace.”
And everything in between.
How do I do so well in the engines?
I use the very best publishing system on Planet Earth. Nuff said.
2) Article Syndication
LOL – right? Wrong. Article syndication is still a very powerful traffic driver if you do it properly.
Rather than try to be on every article directory on the web, I go for the most important article directories on the web.
I also write the best content I can on highly relevant, topical, hot issues in my niche.
I do not wirte and syndicate articles for links. I write for traffic. Huge difference most people completely ignore.
I syndicated this article over the weekend and am getting traffic from the following article sites:
I will get traffic from many others, but I am only showing you today what happened to drive real targeted traffic in the last 24 hours. (People don’t do this anywhere else that I know of by the way!)
I syndicate my articles exclusively with
3) News Readers
Because I have several feeds to choose from, and a wide range of related topics I publish on, I have feed subscribers on all kinds of readers.
In the last 24 hours I have gotten traffic from people using feed readers from:
- Yahoo
- Bloglines
- Delicious, and
- different versions of desktop readers like
I’ve gotten significant traffic in the last 48 hours from sites such as:
and many many others.
These are link partnerships or just people pointing to specific posts here and commenting on their blogs.
The better your content, the more people comment and trackback your site. So good content equals good link traffic.
5) TrafficSwarm
I get a good amount of traffic each day from TrafficSwarm, which is no new kid on the block.
I have tested the traffic from this service and opt-in rates are good, meaning the traffic isn’t junk traffic, if you were wondering.
They have a free and paid version. Don’t bother with it on the free level. It is extremely inexpensive traffic compared to Adwords and Co-registration, and there are other benefits of membership aside from direct traffic and subscribers.
6) Video Syndication
I have been doing screen capture blog marketing videos lately and syndicating them on all the free video sharing sites available.
Since I started (I have only done 4 so far) I can attribute top 10 rankings in Google for terms like “blog marketing videos” and many others to this marketing tactic alone.
Since video sharing sites are all popular (none of the sites I syndicate videos to are under PR5, most PR6 or higher) the links are worth a lot and the traffic is great each time I submit a video.
Video syndication will be one of the buzz phrases of 2007. Glad I am in the top 10 for that phrase too!
7) Tagging and Pinging
Or simply posting properly and showing up automatically (and practically instantly) in places like Technorati which track blogs, is a big daily traffic driver.
Right after I post this I will see traffic from Technorati and other sites that I ping.
Kind of encourages me to post regularly knowing every post brings me more traffic and another chance to score in the engines for more keywords.
If you don’t know how this is all done, the best information available on the subject is from Sean Wu.
Again, the above tactics all resulted in real, live, free targeted traffic to the Friday Traffic Report in the last 48 hours.
Thought you’d like to see what is working based on my actual log files rather than more theoretical pieces from people who don’t necessarily use the tactics they push to drive traffic to their own sites.
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